8 Healthy Options in Daily Diet to Boost Mood and Energy

If you are tired of feeling sluggish throughout the day and struggling with the mood swings then don’t miss today’s blog on Rabeea Blogs. Do you, my dear readers, know that the food that we eat plays a significant role in our mental and physical health? Have you ever thought about which healthy options we should add in our diet to get rid of feeling sluggish.I today’s blog we will tell you which healthy options we should incorporate in our daily diet to boost our mind,energy and overall quality of life. Here are 8 options that can make you live a healthy and fresh life because,”Health is Wealth”. 1.Green Leaves: The Mood-Boosting Superfood Green leaves like spinach,kale and collard greens are rich in folate. It's a B vitamin that helps in the regulation of mood and emotions. Folate deficiency results in depression, anxiety,and fatigue. Add leafy greens to your diet in the form of salad,and also drink smoothies having green leaves in them. 2.Fish: Omega-3 Good for Brain Health Fat...